Town Of Newbury Office of Board of Health 25 High Road Newbury, Mass. 01951 |
December 10, 2013
Chair Steve Fram opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Present were Elaine Byrne, Alba Gouldthorpe, Health Agent Deborah Rogers, and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon.
MINUTES OF MEETING- It was moved by Alba Gouldthorpe to approve the minutes for October 29, 2013 as written; it was seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
67-69 NEWBURYPORT TURNPIKE – Thomas Mannetta is here requesting the following variances: 1.) Depth to groundwater from 4’ required to 3’ provided. 2.) Minimum setback distance from S.A.S. to foundation wall from 20’ required to 15’. 3.) To send out the soils for analysis. Presby system will need to be recorded at registry of deeds. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve the variances as submitted; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.
CDM – The new contract for the year 2014 has come in for the board to review and sign. Steve does not want to sign the contract at the price of $26,000 for monitoring the landfill and transfer station. Deb had asked the contact person Laura from CDM if we can ask DEP to reduce gas monitoring to either semi-annually or annually to save the town some money.
The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on January 14, 2013 at
6:00 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Deborah Rogers
Virginia Bacon